Applications and
Green Benefits

From New Construction to Retrofits

Rainscreen assemblies have proven highly effective in minimizing water damage and adding insulation to buildings. They help create beautiful, sustainable, and long-lasting structures, and in the process enhance and protect our collective architectural legacy. Therefore, the potential applications for rainscreen systems are virtually limitless, spanning a wide variety of building types.

Rainscreens for Sustainable New Buildings

The need to build healthy and durable buildings, as well as effectively shield them from the elements for many decades to come, is already evident in contemporary building policy. In British Columbia, Canada, for example, rainscreen design solutions are now required by building codes.

Rainscreens for Sustainable Retrofits

The application of an attractive, high-performance rainscreen system can effectively rehabilitate a dated and underperforming building. It will:

  1. 1Completely transform the appearance and appeal of the building
  2. 2Reuse the maximum amount of valuable building materials and resources
  3. 3Eliminate the need for wasteful, disruptive, and expensive demolition
All Building and <br> Project Types All Building and
Project Types
  • Commercial
  • Office
  • Restaurant and Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Religious
  • Education
  • Sports Venues & Recreation
  • Other
  • Healthcare
  • Government